
Instruction Manual for product Girlnextdoor

Serial number 0707198X

version 1.0

Copyright:  Father and Mother

Expiry date: Unknown. Until it breaks.

Warning! This product is for 18+ only, highly addictive and may cause weakness in knees, heart skipping a beat or rise in pulse and elevated blood pressure.

If you need endless love, constant support, an equal, partner in crime, perfect friend, not so perfect girlfriend (every product is somewhat flawed), terrible cook, but amazing companion, childlike adult, zoo owner, with enormous heart hiding beneath the rough and cranky exterior, then this is a perfect opportunity for you! Gamer chick, adventure-seeker, bookworm, salsa loving, music adoring persona with endless booty-shaking powered engine.
Fragile! Handle with care!

But that’s not all! Order one and you will also get 2 dogs, broken cat (cannot meow properly), one turtle and endless supply of fishes and aquariums, for free!

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